Networking Tips – Develop A Networking Plan

When you plan to network, it is important to create a plan. Organize your contact lists. Create two lists of people you want to meet. Avoid personalizing situations. Think about what sets you apart from the rest. How would you best help someone coming up the career ladder? What do you want to learn from your connections? These are all questions you must ask yourself in order to develop your networking plan. Then, put your plan into action.

Create a network plan

To create a network plan, you need to analyze the functionality you expect your network to provide. Then, you can determine which technologies can meet those needs. You can also choose from a variety of network options that meet your company’s specific needs. Depending on your needs, you may choose to automate some tasks or streamline others. Subnets can be created for different types of devices. Likewise, IP addresses can be assigned to different subnets.

Organize your contacts

Whether you’re trying to meet new people or cultivate existing ones, it’s important to organize your contacts. Separate your contacts by category, and use a spreadsheet to manage them. Label each contact, and take notes about your conversations. This way, you’ll know who to prioritize and which meeting to skip. Organizing your contacts can also help you focus on more important tasks like lead nurturing. And as you build your contact list, you’ll know who to keep in mind when building new relationships.

Make two lists of people you want to meet

When networking, make two lists: one of people you already know, and another of people you have yet to meet. Prioritize those you want to meet most and schedule meetings with them regularly. Reconnecting with people you’ve already met is a great way to gain insight and build relationships with them quickly. Also, remember that networking events are not about closing a deal or landing an interview – they’re about expanding your professional network. Introduce yourself to others and remember to be a good person, not just a business person.

Be people oriented

Developing a networking plan is an excellent way to increase your likelihood of achieving specific business goals. By setting a specific goal for networking, you’ll focus your efforts on a defined business objective. Most people do not think of their networks as networks. In reality, people you know are still valuable. However, your network will include only those relationships that relate to business. Therefore, it is crucial that you be people oriented when developing a networking plan.